Well looks like lots of things have been put in motion at the present moment. I've made a decision not to put myself in the middle of things but just stay a distance away from it. Although it does involve me to a certain extent as a friend. I just wish people would just put aside their differences and let things be as they were before....(I know this is a very naive way of thinking). Who cares if a person is straight or gay, male or female. It only matters if you accept a person as a friend knowing what you know beforehand, you should accept the person as a whole and not based on what you want that person to be. No one should befriend someone just to change that person. In the end, you loose sight of what drew you to befriend that person in the first place.
Friendships that are not treasured are fragile and easy to loose. I always thought that the friendships that you make over time should be stronger than whatever that comes between the 2 parties if it was true friendship to begin with. If it was only a "fair-weathered" friendship to begin with, then who gives a hoot. Why do people judge their friends based on superficial things rather than the character of the person? It only belittles the friendship that has been made. If the thinking of such closed-minded people are left to their own devices, what will the world come to be?
I'm happy for the friends that I have now but am sad to see factions beginning to form that threaten things. I do hope that the whole situation will come to pass and both parties put aside their differences and just accept each other. People should make an effort to know the true person behind all the superficial veils. Behind all that glitz may lie a person you would treasure as a good friend, if you just give that person half a chance.